AP 10th Class Social Geography 3rd Lesson Bits Water Resources

AP 10th Class Social Geography Bits 3rd Lesson Water Resources

Select and write the most appropriate option of the four options for each of the questions :

Question 1.
Which is not a source of fresh water?
A) Glaciers and ice sheets
B) Ground water
C) Surface runoff
D) Oceans
D) Oceans

2. Bhakr Nangal River Valley project is made on the river.
A) Sutlej-Beas
B) Ravi-Chenab
C) Ganga
D) Son
A) Sutlej-Beas

Question 3.
Hirakud Dam is constructed on the river.
A) Ganga
B) Manjira
C) Manas
D) Mahanadi
D) Mahanadi

Question 4.
The diversion channels seen in the Western Himalayas are called:
A) Gills or Kuls
B) Khadins
C) Johads
D) Recharge pits
A) Gills or Kuls

Question 5.
Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to store rainwater for drinking is called
A) Tankas
B) Khadin
C) Ponds
D) Kuls
A) Tankas

AP 10th Class Social Geography 3rd Lesson Bits Water Resources

Question 6.
Bamboo drip irrigation system is prevalent in :
A) Manipur
B) Meghalaya
C) Mizoram,
D) Madhya Pradesh
B) Meghalaya

Question 7.
The only state which has made rooftop rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all the houses is
A) Karnataka
B) Andhra Pradesh
C) Tamilnadu
D) West Bengal
C) Tamilnadu

Question 8.
Oceans contain volume of water.
A) 90 percent
B) 75 percent
C) 96.5 percent
D) 98 percent
C) 96.5 percent

Question 9.
Tehri dam Andolan is mainly concerned with the state of ?
A) Chhattisgarh
B) Jharkhand
C) Uttarakhand
D) None of these
C) Uttarakhand

Question 10.
Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is built on which river?
A) Chenab
B) Mahanadi
C) Krishna
D) Sutluj
C) Krishna

AP 10th Class Social Geography 3rd Lesson Bits Water Resources

Question 11.
Koyna Dam is one of the largest dams located in
A) Uttar Pradesh
B) Himachal Pradesh
C) Rajasthan
D) Maharashtra
D) Maharashtra

Question 12.
Rihand Dam is located on river Rihand, a tributary of
A) Sutluj river
B) Godavari river
C) Son river
D) Brahmaputra
B) Godavari river

Assertions and reasons :

Question 1.
There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per the codes provided below.
Assertion (A) : Irrigation has also changed the cropping pattern of many regions
with farmers shifting to water intensive and commercial crops.
Reason (R) i Multi-purpose projects and large dams have also been the cause of many new environmental movements. ( )
A) Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A.
B) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
C) A is true and R is false.
D) Both A and R are false.
A) Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A.

Question 2.
A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. Dams are now referred to as multi-purpose projects where the many uses of the impounded water are integrated with one another.
A) Both A and R are true, but R is not correct explanation of A.
B) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
C) A is true and R is false.
D) Both A and R are false.
B) Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.

Fill in the blank :

1. Structures built for storing rainwater are termed as _______
Answer: hydraulic structures


Question 1.

Column A Column B
I) Koyna Dam a) River Krishna
II) Nagajuna Sagar Dam b) River Kaverl
III) Sardar Sarovar Dam c) Sutluj
Iv) Bbakra Nangal Dam d) Narmada River
v) Mettur Dam e) Koyna River

A) i – e, ii – d,   iii – a, iv – b, v – c
B) i – e, ii – a, iii – d, iv – c, v – b
C) i – c, ii – b, iii – a, iv – e, v – d
D) i – d, ii – b, iii – a, iv – c, v – e
B) i – e, ii – a, iii – d, iv – c, v – b

Column A Column B
I) Koyna Dam e) Koyna River
II) Nagajuna Sagar Dam a) River Krishna
III) Sardar Sarovar Dam d) Narmada River
Iv) Bbakra Nangal Dam b) River Kaverl
v) Mettur Dam c) Sutluj

AP 10th Class Social Geography 3rd Lesson Bits Water Resources

Question 2.

Column A Column B
I) Nagarjuna Sagar a) Rajasiban
II) Rajasthan Canal b) Orissa
III) Hirakud c) Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
Iv) Bhakra Nangal d) Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat
v) Narmada Valley e) Andina Pradesh

A) i – d, ii – a, iii – c, iv – b, v – e
B) i –  a, ii – b, iii – d, iv – c, v – e
C) i – e, ii – a, iii – b, iv – c, v – d
D) i – c, ii – e, iii – a, iv – b, v – d
C) i – e, ii – a, iii – b, iv – c, v – d

Column A Column B
I) Nagarjuna Sagar e) Andina Pradesh
II) Rajasthan Canal a) Rajasiban
III) Hirakud b) Orissa
Iv) Bhakra Nangal c) Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
v) Narmada Valley d) Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat

10th Class Social Bits

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