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Resources and Development Questions and Answers AP 10th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson
Question 1.
Multiple choice questions.
i) Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab?
a) Intensive cultivation
b) Deforestation
c) Over irrigation
c) Over irrigation
ii) In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practised ?
a) Punjab
b) Plains of Uttar Pradesh
c) Haryana
d) Uttarakhand
d) Uttarakhand
iii) In which of the following states black soil is predominantly found?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Maharashtra
c) Rajasthan
d) Jharkhand
b) Maharashtra
Question 2.
Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
i) Name three states having black soil and the crop which is mainly grown in it.
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are the three states where black soil is found and cotton is the main crop grown in black soil.
ii) What type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast? Give three main features of this type of soil.
Alluvial soil is found in the river deltas of eastern coast. Three main features of this type of soil are:
a) It is very fertile.
b) It is rich in potash, phosphoric acid and lime.
c) It has a high water retention capacity.
iii) What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas?
Question 3.
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
i) Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61 ?
Land resources in India are primarily divided into agricultural land, forest land, land meant for pasture and grazing and waste land. Waste land includes rocky, arid desert areas and land used for other non-agricultural purposes, such as housing, roads and industry. According to the recent data, about 54% of the total land area is cultivable or fallow, 22.5% is covered by forests, and 3.45% is used for grazing. The rest is waste land with traces of miscellaneous cultivation.
The land under forest has not increased since 1960 – 61 because in the post independence era demand for more land to expand agriculture, mainly after Green Revolution and infrastructural facilities, led to clearance of forest areas. Industrialization and urbanization also decreased the forest area. Thus, land under forest has increased by only about 4% since 1960 – 61.
ii) How have technical and economic development led to more consumption of resources ?
Technical and economic development have led to more consumption of resources on account of various factors such as :
1) Technological development provides sophisticated equipment. As a result production increases ultimately leading to consumption of more resources.
2) Technological development also leads to economic development. When the economic condition of a country rises, the needs of people also rise. It again results into more consumption of resources.
3) Economic development provides favourable environment for the development of latest technologies. It helps to make or convert various materials found around us into resources. Finally, it results into the consumption of new available resources too.
Question 1.
Make a project showing consumption and conservation of resources in your locality.
Consumption and Conservation of Resources :
Firstly resources are the god gifted material or things. We use them in our daily life or daily routine.
For example, use of petrol in car for travelling. It is very important in our life. The earth on which we live is also a resource which is very important for the living, the water, wind, trees etc., are very important. Resources are of two types.
1) Renewable Resources
2) Non-Renewable Resources.
1) Renewable Resources are those resources which can be renewed in short period of time like water, trees, etc.
2) Non-Renewable Resources are-those resources which cannot be renewed in short period of time like coal, petroleum etc.
Consuption of Resources: We take all the basic necessary need from the nature as a resources. But now due to the over population the consumption of these resources is also increasing. We are over using and over exploiting these resources.
Why we need to conserve these resources ?
Conservation is the process for the preventibn of natural resources. It is the sum total of activities which have both advantage and disadvantage. If we use them carefully it will definitely profit us and excessive use will lead to destruction in our life.
1) We need to conserve resources so, that to maintain the ecological balance between human and plants for supporting life.
2) We conserve resources for sustainable management.
3) For different kinds of biodiversity.
As a responsible citizen we should conserve these resource:
- Water
- Soil
- Biodiversity
- Forests
Question 2.
Have a discussion in the class – how to conserve various resources used in your school.
We need to conserve the resources which are used in our school like water, electricity and fuel. We need to conserve all our limited resources because these types of natural resources are in the limited category. If we do not use them carefully they will not last in the long run. So, we have to conserve the resources used in our school premises. The school students can do this by using bicycles for coming to school and can switch off the fans and lights in the classroom. When leaving the classroom.
We,should also prevent the wastage of water by closing the water pipe in the garden or park. In this way, we conserve the natural resources, which are gifted by the nature. Only then they will last for a longer period of time.
Question 3.
Imagine if oil supplier get exhausted, how will this affect our life style ?
1) if oil supplies get exhausted this will affect our life style very much because in such situation the machines, vehicles railways etc., will not be able to run.
2) People would not be able to go from one place to another because oil is needed for every means of transport.
3) Most of our activities are depended on petroleum products like petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, etc.
4) Individuals who create electricity through generators, it would be more difficult to generate electricity because oil is required to do so.
5) It will be a devastating effect on all economic level including poor, middle class and wealthy.
Question 4.
Solve the puzzle by following your search horizontally and vertically to find the hidden answers.
i) Natural endowments in the form of land, water, vegetation and minerals.
ii) A type of non-renewable resource.
iii) Soil with high water retaining capacity.
iv) Intensively leached soils of the monsoon climate.
v) Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion.
vi) The Great Plains of India are made up of these soils.
i) Resource
ii) Mineral’s
iii) Black
iv) Laterite
v) Afforestation
vi) Alluvial
AP 10th Class Social Geography 1st Lesson InText Questions and Answers Resources and Development
Intext : Page No : 1
Question 1.
Can you identify and name the various items used in making life comfortable in our villages and towns. List the items and name the material used in their making.
Yes. There are various items used for making life comfortable in our villages and towns. These items are given below.
a) Villages:
i) Foods – obtained from crops and animals.
ii) Clothes-made of cotton, synthetic, fibre, wool, silk, etc,
iii) Houses – made of mud, thatch, bamboo, cement, brick, etc.
iv) Bicycles / Bullock carts – made of steel, rubber wood etc.
b) Towns:
i) Foods – obtained from crops and animals.
ii) Clothes – made of cotton, synthetic, fibre, wool, silk, etc.
iii) Houses – made of brick, cement, wood, glass, iron – rods etc.
iv) Furniture – made of wood, steel, rubber etc.
v) Cars and Motor Cycles – made of steel, plastids, brass etc.
vi) Refrigerators, TV sets, Mobile phones etc., made of steel, copper, glass, plastics etc.
Activity : Page No : 2
Question 2.
Prepare a list of stock and reserve, resources that you are familiar with from your local area.
Stock : Water, Air, Soil, Gases, etc.
Reseves : Water dams, woods from forests, oil refineries, etc.
Question 3.
Imagine, if the oil supply gets exhausted one day, how would this affect our life style ?
i) If oil supplies get exhausted, this will affect our lifestyle very much. In this situation machines, vehicles and railways, etc., wouldn’t run.
ii) The majority of the country’s transportation is based on fossil fuels. It would be hampered as well.
Question 4.
Plan a survey in your colony/village to investigate people’s attitude towards recycling of the domestic/agricultural wastes. Ask questions about:
a) What do they think about resources they use ?
i) Many people today are concerned about the environmental impact of the resources they use.
ii) They may think about whether a resource is renewable or non-renewable and whether its extraction or use contributes to pollution, deforestation or climate change.
b) What is their opinion about the wastes, and its utilisation ?
People’s opinion about the waste and its utilisation can vary widely among different individuals and communities. Here’s a collage of potential views.
c) Collage your results.
i) Many people are increasingly concerned about environmental issues and view proper waste recycling as crucial for maintaining a clean and sustainable environment.
ii) Some people are critical of the lack of proper waste disposal and see it as a contributor to pollution.
iii) Some people see potential in utilizing domestic and agricultural waste for energy generation through methods like biogas production.
iv) Certain farmers supported the use of agricultural waste, like crop residues or animal manure, as organic fertilizers to improvasoil health and crop productivity.
v) Some people concerns about nutrient imbalances, potential health risks and proper handling practices related to the utilization of agricultural waste in farming.
vi) Some people recognize economic opportunities in waste management, such as recycling.
Activity : Page No : 3
Question 5.
Prepare a list of resources found in your state and also identify the resources that are important but deficit in your state.
i) A number of minerals are found in our state.
ii) Some o/them are Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Coal, Petroleum, Iron ore etc. But all these are not available in abundant quantity,
iii) We have a deficit of coal and bauxite.
FIND OUT : Page No : 3
6. What resources are being developed in your surroundings by the community/village panchayats/ward level communities with the help of community participation ?
Biomass energy, biogas, water (by digging well), Solar energy (by setting up solar panels) etc., are developed in our surroundings by the community village panchayats / ward level communities with community participation.
Intext : Page No : 3
Question 7.
Can you name some resource rich but economically backward regions and some resource poor but economically developed regions ? Give reasons for such a situation.
a) Jharkhand State is rich in mineral resources. However, it is economically backward because of the following:
i) It was originally mostly populated by tribals who were uneducated.
ii) Due to the rocky terrain, there is very little agricultural land.
iii) Lack of industrial development in earlier times compared with the rest of India.
b) The Mumbai region of Maharashtra state is poor in natural resources, but is highly economically developed due to the following reasons :
i) It is the-commercial hub of India with the maximum amount of local, national ‘ and international trade transactions taking place in India.
ii) It has a large number of industries established from a number of years.
iii) It has a very efficient transportation system for people and materials.
iv) The people living there are well-educated and earning the maximum compared to any other area in India.
Activity : Page No : 10
Question 8.
Try to do a comparison between, the two pie charts (Fig.. 1.4) given tor land use and find out why the net sown area and the land under forests have changed from. 1960-61 to 2014-15 very marginally.
- The pie charts provided in Figure show the land use pattern in India from 1960-61 to 2014-15.
- The net sown area and the land under forests have changed marginally during this period.
- One possible reason for this marginal change could be the increase in population, which has led to the conversion of agricultural land into residential or commercial areas, resulting in less net sown area.
- Additionally, deforestation and urbanisation might have contributed to the mini¬mal change in the land under forests.
Intext : Page No : 10
Question 9.
Find out reasons for the low proportion of net sown area in these states.
The reasons for the low proportion of net sown area in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Andaman Nicobar Islands are:
- These states are covered with dense tropical forests as they receive very heavy and a large amount of rainfall.
- These states lack in alluvial soil.
- Generally, in this region there is bibal settlement, hence they practise shifting agriculture.
- The terrain of these states is very rocky.
- These states are still considered to be backward.