Students can go through AP 6th Class Maths Notes Chapter 11 Algebra to understand and remember the concepts easily.
Class 6 Maths Chapter 11 Notes Algebra
→ We looked at the patterns arising from making of many identical letters or shapes using matchsticks. We learnt to write general relation between the number of matchsticks required for making a number of identical shapes. Since the number of times the shape is repeated is a variable, we denote it by an alphabet in writing the rule.
→ A variable takes ‘different values. Its value is not fixed.
→ We may use any letter a, b, m, n, p, q, x, y, z etc., to represent a variable.
→ A variable allows us to express relations in any practical situation.
→ Variables are numbers, although their value is not fixed. We can do operations on them just as in the case of fixed numbers.
→ We can form expressions with variables using different operations. Some examples are 2m, 3s + 1, 8p, \(\frac{x}{3}\) etc.
→ Variables allow us to express many common rules of geometry and arithmetic in a general way.
→ An equation is a condition on a variable. Such a condition limits the values the variable can have.
→ An equation has two sides, LHS and RHS on both sides of equal to sign.
LHS = Left Hand Side ; RHS = Right Hand Side
→ The LHS of an equation is equal to its RHS only for definite values of the variable in the equation.
→ The value of the variable in an algebraic equation which satisfies the equation is called a solution to the equation.
→ To get the solution of an equation, one of the methods used is the Trial and Error method.